Free Comic
It is tough being a superhero in a world constantly combating global climate change and saving humanity from possible extinction!
"Forever Is A Long Time" is a science fiction indie comic illustrated by Zac Finger, in collaboration with the original short story by Michael Blade.
Synopsis: A bewildered science fiction author (me) is offered a chance at immortality from a time traveling historian of the future.
“Forever Is A Long Time” transhumanist comic, singularity, futurist, simulation, 2014.
Zac Finger Says: When I first met Michael Blade . . . I was tabling shirts and comix at Extreme Futurist Festival 2012 in LA, which was itself a surreal enough experience that it warrants its own comic some day.
Mike came around my table and started talking to me about all of the stuff you’d expect from someone at a transhumanist con - technological immortality, virtual simulations, mind uploading, etc.
According to Mike he actually had the experience depicted in the comic above in a diner . . . A mysterious man introduced himself as part of a race of aliens or possibly AIs operating the computer simulation running our current reality. . . .and I pursued illustrating a comic of his experience.
Zac Finger has been great in allowing this collaborative work to be put up for free. Visit his website for more Comics! I hope we all live for however long we what too . . .
A slightly different version of the comic can be found on Zac's site, here.